EECS 678 - Quash Shell
In this project, you will complete the Quite a Shell (quash) program using the UNIX system calls. You may work
in groups of 2. The purpose of this project is as follows:
- Getting familiar with the Operating System (UNIX) interface.
- Exercising UNIX system calls.
- Understanding the concept of a process from the user point of view.
Quash should behave similar to csh, bash or other popular shell programs.
Project Description & Installation
To build Quash use:
To generate this documentation in HTML and LaTeX use:
make doc
To clean quash use:
make clean
To run Quash use:
make test
Your main file must be src/execute.c.
You may create files like the src/parsing/parse_interface.c if necessary. Your output should match our
example results given below
The following features should be implemented in Quash:
- Quash should be able to run executables (the basic function of a shell) with command line parameters
- If the executable is not specified in the absolute or relative path format (starting with sequences of ‘/’,
'./', or '../'), quash should search the directories in the environment variable PATH (see below). If no
executable file is found, quash should print an error message to standard error. Quash should allow both
foreground and background executions. Character ‘&’ is used to indicate background execution. Commands
without ‘&’ are assumed to run in foreground.
- When a command is run in the background, quash should print: "Background
job started: [JOBID] PID COMMAND"
- When a background command finishes, quash should print: "Completed:
[QUASH]$ program1 &
Background job started: [1] 2342 program1 &
[QUASH]$ ls
Documents Downloads
Completed: [1] 2342 program1 &
- Quash should implement I/O redirection. The
character is used to redirect the standard
input from a file. The >
character is used to redirect the standard output to a file while
truncating the file. The >>
string is used to redirect the standard output to a file while
appending the output to the end of the file.
[QUASH]$ echo Hello Quash! > a.txt # Write "Hello Quash!\n" to a file
[QUASH]$ cat a.txt
Hello Quash!
[QUASH]$ echo Hey Quash! > a.txt # Truncate the previous contents of a.txt and write
"Hey Quash!\n" to the file
[QUASH]$ cat a.txt # Print file contents. If we didn't actually truncate we would see
"Hey Quash!h!\n" as the output of this command.
Hey Quash!
[QUASH]$ cat < a.txt # Make cat read from a.txt via standard in
Hey Quash!
[QUASH]$ cat < a.txt > b.txt # Multiple redirect. Read from a.txt and write to b.txt.
[QUASH]$ cat b.txt
Hey Quash!
[QUASH]$ cat a.txt >> b.txt # Append output of a.txt to b.txt
[QUASH]$ cat b.txt
Hey Quash!
Hey Quash!
- Quash should support pipes
[QUASH]$ cat src/quash.c | grep running
// Check if loop is running
bool is_running() {
return state.running;
state.running = false;
while (is_running()) {
[QUASH]$ cat src/quash.c | grep running | grep return
return state.running;
Built-in Functions
All built-in commands should be implemented in quash itself. They cannot be external programs of any kind.
Quash should support the following built-in functions:
- Print a string given as an argument. The output format should be the same as bash (a
string followed by new line '\n')
[QUASH]$ echo Hello world! 'How are you today?'
Hello world! How are you today?
[QUASH]$ echo $HOME/Development
- export - Sets the value of an environment variable. Quash should support reading from and writing to
environment variables.
[QUASH]$ export PATH=/usr/bin:/bin # Set the PATH environment variable
[QUASH]$ echo $PATH # Print the current value of PATH
[QUASH]$ echo $HOME
[QUASH]$ export PATH=$HOME # Set the PATH environment variable to the value of HOME
[QUASH]$ echo $PATH # Print the current value of PATH
- Change current working directory. This updates both the actual working directory and the
PWD environment variable.
[QUASH]$ echo $PWD
[QUASH]$ cd .. # Go up one directory
[QUASH]$ echo $PWD
[QUASH]$ cd $HOME # Go to path in the HOME environment variable
- Print the absolute path of the current working directory. Make sure you are printing out
the actual working directory and not just the PWD environment variable.
[QUASH]$ pwd # Print the working directory
[QUASH]$ echo $PWD # Print the PWD environment variable
[QUASH]$ export PWD=/usr # Change the PWD environment variable
[QUASH]$ pwd
[QUASH]$ echo $PWD
& exit
- Use these to terminate quash. These are already implemented for
[BASH]$ ./quash
[QUASH]$ exit
[BASH]$ ./quash
[QUASH]$ quit
- Should print all of the currently running background processes in the format: "[JOBID]
PID COMMAND" where JOBID is a unique positive integer quash assigns to the job to identify it, PID is the PID
of the child process used for the job, and COMMAND is the command used to invoke the job.
[QUASH]$ find -type f | grep '*.c' > out.txt &
Background job started: [1] 2342 find / -type f | grep '*.c' > out.txt &
[QUASH]$ sleep 15 &
Background job started: [2] 2343 sleep 15 &
[QUASH]$ jobs # List currently running background jobs
[1] 2342 find / -type f | grep '*.c' > out.txt &
[2] 2343 sleep 15 &
Useful System Calls and Library Functions
The following is a list and brief description of some system calls and library functions you may want to use
and their respective man page entries. Note that this list may not be exhaustive, but be sure what ever library
functions you use will run on the lab machines:
- atexit(3) - Enroll functions that should be called when exit(3) is called
- chdir(2) - Changes the current working directory
- close(2) - Closes a file descriptor
- dup2(2) - Copies a file descriptor into a specified entry in the file descriptor table
- execvp(3) - Replaces the current process with a new process
- exit(3) - Imediately terminate the current process with an exit status
- fork(2) - Creates a new process by duplicating the calling process
- getenv(3) - Reads an environment variable from the current process environment
- getwd(3) - Gets the current working directory as a string (get_current_dir_name(3) may be easier to use)
- get_current_dir_name(3) - Gets the current working directory and stores it in a newly allocated string
- kill(2) - Sends a signal to a process with a given pid
- open(2) - Opens a file descriptor with an entry at the specified path in the file system
- pipe(2) - Creates a unidirectional communication pathway between two processes
- printf(3) - Prints to the standard out (see also fprintf)
- setenv(3) - Sets an environment variable in the current process environment
- waitpid(2) - Waits or polls for a process with a given pid to finish
You may NOT use the system(3) function anywhere in your project
There is an automated testing script written for this project that the graders would be using.
Grading Policy
Partial credit will be given for incomplete programs. However, a program that cannot compile will get 0 points.
The feature tests are placed into multiple tiers of completeness. The output to standard out from your code must
match our output exactly, except for whitespace, for the next tier of grading to be accessible. This is due to
reliance of previous tiers in subsequent tier tests. If we cannot run your code in one tier then it becomes far
more difficult test later tiers. The point breakdown for features is below:
Description |
Score |
10% |
Tier 1
Single commands without arguments (ls)
Simple built-in commands
echo with a single argument
30% |
Tier 2
Single commands with arguments (ls -a /)
Built-in commands
echo with multiple arguments
Environment Variables
echo with environment variables (echo $HOME)
Execution with environment variables (du -H $PWD/..)
30% |
Tier 3
Built-in commands
Piping output between one command and another (find -type f | grep '*.c')
standard input to any command from file (cat < a.txt)
standard output from a command to a file (cat b.txt > a.txt)
Background processes
Job completion notification
30% |
Tier 4 (extra credit)
Pipes and redirects can be mixed (cat < a.txt | grep -o World | cat > b.txt)
Pipes and redirects work with built-in commands
Append redirection (cat a.txt | grep -o World >> b.txt)
10% |
Valgrind Memory Errors
While not ideal, you will not lose any points for "still reachable" blocks
Unacceptable Memory Leaks
Definately lost
Indirectly lost
Possibly lost
Unacceptable Access Violations
Invalid Read
Invalid Write
Invalid free
Use of uninitialized values
-5% from tier grade down to 0% for each tier with violations |
Each group should submit the project to your TA via Canvas.
Create a zip file of your code and write a text file on commands needed to build your project.
You should also check that the zipped project still builds, runs correctly, and contains a make file.
Your TA will be using this command to extract and build your project so make sure it works
Start early! You need to use C/C++(Recommended), Rust, Go language to implement this project.